40th Reunion Theme Contest


We are having a contest to pick a theme for our 40th Reunion year.  The winning theme will be used on tee shirts that will be designed for this momentus occasion.   Please submit your idea in 6 words or less. 

Survey Deadline:  March 23, 2018


Ideas already submitted are shown below.   If you like a particular theme you may submit it also; however, ONLY THE FIRST person to submit the winnng idea will get the free tee shirt.

If you wish to submit more than one idea, you will have to edit your initial submission.  Don't worry, we have records of each submission, even when they are edited for a different submission.


- Forever Young
- Forever Trainers
- Mckinley Techites for Life
- Always and Forever
- Still the Greatest
- Fortified Trainers (Using Fortified in the Circle T)
- We share Peace, Power & Love
- Trainers - Learn, Teach & Grow
- Techites - Building our Future
- Techites - Extending the Knowledge
- McKinley Class of '78 ~ Still Great!
- Built to Last!
- Class '78 - Recall, Relive, Reflect, Renew!
- Class '78 - Many Paths, One Spirit!
- Class '78 - Roads Diverged, Together Again!
- 40th Reunion - Let's Celebrate with Class!
- Class of '78 - Relax, Reminisce, Rejuvenate!
- '78 Techites - Steppin Forward with Class!
- McKinley 78 Still Great in 2-0-1-8
- 1978 Legacy Learned. 2018 Legacy Lived !!!!
- Still Great ~ The Class of ‘78
- Cultivate, Advocate, Accelerate: Class of ‘78

Following this contest we will have a second contest for design of our 40th Reunion tee shirts using the winning theme.  Both winners will receive a free tee shirt.


You must be a member to submit this survey. If you are a member please log in first. You can't submit this form until you've logged in.

* Answer Required
1)   * What is your idea for a 40th Reunion Theme in 6 words or less. (This theme will be used on our 40th Reunion Tee Shirts!)